





大学英语视频教程 杨华 256讲 湘潭大学




    478-测试试卷-Book 1-Test Paper 1.pdf
    479-测试试卷-Book 1-Test Paper 2.pdf
    480-测试试卷-Book 1-Test Paper 2-Key.pdf
    481-测试试卷-Book 2-Test Paper 1.pdf
    482-测试试卷-Book 2-Test Paper 2.pdf
    483-测试试卷-Book 2-Test Paper 2-Key.pdf
    484-测试试卷-Book 3-Test Paper 1.pdf
    485-测试试卷-Book 3-Test Paper 2.pdf
    486-测试试卷-Book 3-Test Paper 2-Key.pdf
    487-测试试卷-Book 4-Test paper 1.pdf
    488-测试试卷-Book 4-Test Paper 2.pdf
    489-测试试卷-Book 4-Test Paper 2-Key.pdf
    490-测试试卷-A General Introduction of US-Test Paper.pdf
    491-测试试卷-A General Introduction of UK-Test Paper.pdf
    492-测试试卷-English Public Speaking Test Paper.pdf
    493-测试试卷-English Debating-Test Paper.pdf
    494-测试试卷-Appreciating English Movies-Test Paper.pdf
    1-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 1-1.mp4
    10-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter-2-2.mp4
    100-媒体素材-Forrest Gump-Clip 3.mp4
    101-媒体素材-Forrest Gump-Clip 4.mp4
    102-媒体素材-Forrest Gump-Clip 5.mp4
    103-媒体素材-Forrest Gump-Clip 6.mp4
    104-媒体素材-Rhythm of the Rain.mp4
    105-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 1 Growing Up-1.mp4
    106-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 1 Growing Up-2.mp4
    107-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 2 Friendship-1.mp4
    108-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 2 Friendship-2.mp4
    109-媒体素材-Book 1-Unit 2 Ellen Show.mp4
    11-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter 3-1.mp4
    110-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 3 Understanding Science-1.mp4
    111-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 3 Understanding Science-2.mp4
    112-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 4 The American Dream-1.mp4
    113-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 4 The American Dream-2.mp4
    114-媒体素材-Book 1-Unit 4 The American Dream.mp4
    115-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work-1.mp4
    116-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work-2.mp4
    117-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 6 Romance-1.mp4
    118-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 6 Romance-2.mp4
    119-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 7 Animal Intelligence-1.mp4
    12-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter 3-2.mp4
    120-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 7 Animal Intelligence-2.mp4
    121-媒体素材-Book 1-Unit 7 Animal Intelligence-1.mp4
    122-媒体素材-Book 1-Unit 7 Animal Intelligence-2.mp4
    123-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 8 Educational Problems-1.mp4
    124-教学录像-Book 1-Unit 8 Educational Problems-2.mp4
    125-媒体素材-Book 1-Unit 8 Education-1.mp4
    126-媒体素材-Book 1-Unit 8 Education-2.mp4
    127-媒体素材-Book 1-Unit 8 Education-3.mp4
    128-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 1 Ways of Learning-1.mp4
    129-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 1 Ways of Learning-2.mp4
    13-媒体素材-A General Introduction of UK and US-The History of English in 10 Minutes.mp4
    130-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 1 American Middle School Class.mp4
    131-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 2 Values-1.mp4
    132-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 2 Values-2.mp4
    133-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 2 Money and Happiness.mp4
    134-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 2 Money Can Buy You Happiness If You Spend It in a Wise Way.mp4
    135-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 3 The Generation Gap-1.mp4
    136-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 3 The Generation Gap-2.mp4
    137-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 4 The Virtual World-1.mp4
    138-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 4 The Virtual World-2.mp4
    139-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 4 A New Era of Socializing.mp4
    14-媒体素材-A General Introduction of UK and US-Charlie Chaplin's Speech in WWII.mp4
    140-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles-1.mp4
    141-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles-2.mp4
    142-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 5 Attitude Is Altitude.mp4
    143-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 6 Women Half the Sky-1.mp4
    144-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky-2.mp4
    145-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 6 Women Hold up Half the Sky.mp4
    146-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 7 Learning About English-1.mp4
    147-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 7 Learning About English-2.mp4
    148-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-1.mp4
    149-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-2.mp4
    15-媒体素材-A General Introduction of UK and US-American Presidential Election.mp4
    150-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-3.mp4
    151-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-4.mp4
    152-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-5.mp4
    153-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-6.mp4
    154-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-7.mp4
    155-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-8.mp4
    156-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-9.mp4
    157-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 7 The History of English-10.mp4
    158-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment-1.mp4
    159-教学录像-Book 2-Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment-2.mp4
    16-媒体素材-A General Introduction of UK and US-The Beatles and British Invasion.mp4
    160-媒体素材-Book 2-Unit 8 DDT.mp4
    161-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live.mp4
    162-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 1 Life of the Travelling Players.mp4
    163-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 1 Country Roads Take me home.mp4
    164-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 2 Civil Rights Heroes-1.mp4
    165-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 2 Civil Rights Heroes-2.mp4
    166-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 3 Security-1.mp4
    167-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 3 Security-2.mp4
    168-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 3 Scanners.mp4
    169-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 3 Public Buses.mp4
    17-媒体素材-A General Introduction of UK and US-Frank Sinatra《New York, New York》.mp4
    170-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity-1.mp4
    171-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity-2.mp4
    172-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 5 Giving Thanks-1.mp4
    173-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 5 Giving Thanks-2.mp4
    174-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 5 A General Introduction to Thanksgiving Day.mp4
    175-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 5 A Big Meal for the Family Reunion.mp4
    176-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 6 The Human Touch-1.mp4
    177-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 6 The Human Touch-2.mp4
    178-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 6 Kindness.mp4
    179-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 7 Making a Living-1.mp4
    18-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 1-1(QHL).mp4
    180-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 7 Making a Living-2.mp4
    181-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 7 Door to Door-1.mp4
    182-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 7 Door to Door-2.mp4
    183-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 7 Door to Door-3.mp4
    184-媒体素材-Book 3-Unit 7 Door to Door-4.mp4
    185-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 8 Cloning-1.mp4
    186-教学录像-Book 3-Unit 8 Cloning-2.mp4
    187-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of Nature-1.mp4
    188-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of Nature-2.mp4
    189-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 1 Natural(1).mp4
    19-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 2-1(CML).mp4
    190-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 2 Smart Cars-1.mp4
    191-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 2 Smart Cars-2.mp4
    192-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 2 MOV04243.mp4
    193-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 3 Job Interview-1.mp4
    194-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 3 Job Interview-2.mp4
    195-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 3 Pursuit of happiness.mp4
    196-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 3 author speech.mp4
    197-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 4 In Search of Davos Man-1.mp4
    198-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 4 In Search of Davos Man-2.mp4
    199-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 4 American born chinese.mp4
    2-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 1-2.mp4
    20-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 3-1(MXY).mp4
    200-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 4 Three Eras of Globalization.mp4
    201-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 5 Never Judge by Appearances-1.mp4
    202-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 5 Never Judge by Appearances-2.mp4
    203-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 6 The Pace of Life-1.mp4
    204-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 6 The Pace of Life-2.mp4
    205-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 7 The 9 11 Terrorist Attacks-1.mp4
    206-教学录像-Book4-Unit 7 The 9 11 Terrorist Attacks-2.mp4
    207-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 7 911 Terrorist Attack.mp4
    208-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 7 Pentagon.mp4
    209-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 7 Pearl Harbour.mp4
    21-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 4-1(CWW).mp4
    210-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 7 World Trade Center.mp4
    211-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 8 Go Traveling-1.mp4
    212-教学录像-Book 4-Unit 8 Go Traveling-2.mp4
    213-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 8 Ecuador.mp4
    214-媒体素材-Book 4-Unit 8 Amazon.mp4
    215-演示文稿-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 1.pdf
    216-演示文稿-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 2.pdf
    217-演示文稿-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 3.pdf
    218-演示文稿-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter 1.pdf
    219-演示文稿-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter 2.pdf
    22-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 5-1(LXY).mp4
    220-演示文稿-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter 3.pdf
    221-学习手册-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom.pdf
    222-学习手册-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States.pdf
    223-学生作品-A General Introduction of UK and US-Wedding Customs.pdf
    224-学生作品-A General Introduction of UK and US-American Movies.pdf
    225-学生作品-A General Introduction of UK and US-American Education.pdf
    226-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 1-1(QHL).pdf
    227-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 1-1(QHL).pdf
    228-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 2-1(CML).pdf
    229-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 2-1(CML).pdf
    23-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 6-1(LL).mp4
    230-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 3-1(MXY).pdf
    231-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 3-1(MXY).pdf
    232-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 4-1(CWW).pdf
    233-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 4-1(CWW).pdf
    234-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 5-1(LXY).pdf
    235-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 5-1(LXY).pdf
    236-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 6-1(LL).pdf
    237-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 6-1(LL).pdf
    238-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 1-2(LY).pdf
    239-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 2-2(CML).pdf
    24-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 1-2(LY).mp4
    240-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 3-2(TR).pdf
    241-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 5-2(HST).pdf
    242-演示文稿-American Legal Culture-Chapter 6-2(WJY).pdf
    243-教学课件-American Legal Culture-Chapter 6-2(WJY).pdf
    244-演示文稿-English Public Speaking Lecture 1.pdf
    245-演示文稿-English Public Speaking Lecture 2.pdf
    246-演示文稿-English Public Speaking Lecture 3.pdf
    247-演示文稿-English Public Speaking Lecture 4.pdf
    248-学习手册-English Public Speaking Lecture 1.pdf
    249-学习手册-English Public Speaking Lecture 2.pdf
    25-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 2-2(CML).mp4
    250-学习手册-English Public Speaking Lecture 3.pdf
    251-学习手册-English Public Speaking Lecture 4.pdf
    252-学生作品-The Greatest Invention in My Eyes.pdf
    253-学生作品-I-A Word That Has Changed the World.pdf
    254-演示文稿-English Debating-Lecture 1.pdf
    255-演示文稿-English Debating-Lecture 2.pdf
    256-演示文稿-English Debating-Lecture 3.pdf
    257-演示文稿-English Debating-Lecture 4.pdf
    258-学习手册-English Debating-Lecture 1.pdf
    259-学习手册-English Debating-Lecture 2.pdf
    26-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 3-2(TR).mp4
    260-学习手册-English Debating-Lecture 3.pdf
    261-学习手册-English Debating-Lecture 4.pdf
    262-演示文稿-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Charpter One.pdf
    263-演示文稿-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Charpter Two.pdf
    264-学习手册-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Charpter One.pdf
    265-学习手册-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Charpter Two.pdf
    266-教学案例-The Date with Hollywood.pdf
    267-教学案例-The Evening of Shakespeare.pdf
    268-学生作品-Comment on Students' Drama Show.pdf
    269-演示文稿-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 1.pdf
    27-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 5-2(HST).mp4
    270-演示文稿-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 2.pdf
    271-学习手册-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 1.pdf
    272-学习手册-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 2.pdf
    273-教学案例-Case Study 1-Hollywood and Its Companies.pdf
    274-教学案例-Case Study 2-Hollywood and Its Companies.pdf
    275-教学案例-Case Study 3-On Oscar.pdf
    276-教学案例-Case Study 4-On Oscar.pdf
    277-教学案例-Case Study 5-Rating Systems.pdf
    278-教学案例-Case Study 6-Two Comic Stars.pdf
    279-教学案例-Case Study 7-Two Comic Stars.pdf
    28-教学录像-American Legal Culture-Chapter 6-2(WJY).mp4
    280-学生作品-Homework 1-Comments on True Lies.pdf
    281-学生作品-Homework 2-Comments on Saving Private Ryan.pdf
    282-学生作品-Homework 3-Comments on Entrapment.pdf
    283-学生作品-Homework 4-Comments on Love Actually.pdf
    284-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 1 Growing Up.pdf
    285-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 1 Growing Up.pdf
    286-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 Enhancement.pdf
    287-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 John Lenon and His Beautiful Boy.pdf
    288-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 Lullaby.pdf
    289-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 Pulitzer Price.pdf
    29-教学录像-English Public Speaking Lecture 1.mp4
    290-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 Spaghetti and its proper way of eating.pdf
    291-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 The US Grade School System.pdf
    292-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 Coherence in Writing.pdf
    293-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 Selection of Details in Narration.pdf
    294-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 1 The Structure of Narrative Writing.pdf
    295-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 2 Friendship.pdf
    296-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 2 Friendship.pdf
    297-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Enhancement.pdf
    298-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Characteristic Feature of Spoken English.pdf
    299-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Halloween.pdf
    3-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 2-1.mp4
    30-教学录像-English Public Speaking Lecture 2.mp4
    300-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 That's What Friends Are For.pdf
    301-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 The Ellen DeGeneres Show.pdf
    302-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Business Letter Writing.pdf
    303-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Describing Friends and Friendship.pdf
    304-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Keeping a Conversation Going.pdf
    305-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Personal Letter Writing.pdf
    306-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 2 Speaking English as a Native Speaker.pdf
    307-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 3 Understanding Science.pdf
    308-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 3 Understanding Science.pdf
    309-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 3 Enhancement.pdf
    31-教学录像-English Public Speaking Lecture 3.mp4
    310-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 3 Stephen Hawking.pdf
    311-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 3 Frankenstein.pdf
    312-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 3 Albert Einstein.pdf
    313-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 4 The American Dream.pdf
    314-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 4 The American Dream.pdf
    315-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 4 Enhancement.pdf
    316-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 4 The American Dream.pdf
    317-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 4 Immigrants.pdf
    318-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 4 Illegal Immigration to the United States.pdf
    319-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work.pdf
    32-教学录像-English Public Speaking Lecture 4.mp4
    320-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 5 Work to Live or Live to Work.pdf
    321-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 5 Enhancement.pdf
    322-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 5 The Achievement of the Ironical Effect.pdf
    323-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 5 Auxiliary Verbs Used for Assumption.pdf
    324-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 5 Type A Behavior.pdf
    325-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 6 Romance.pdf
    326-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 6 Romance.pdf
    327-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 6 Enhancement.pdf
    328-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 6 Appearance Description.pdf
    329-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 6 Flashback.pdf
    33-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 1.mp4
    330-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 6 Simile.pdf
    331-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 6 Metaphor.pdf
    332-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 6 Nominative Absolute Construction.pdf
    333-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 6 Origin of St. Valentine’s Day.pdf
    334-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 7 Animal Intelligence.pdf
    335-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 7 Animal Intelligence.pdf
    336-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Enhancement.pdf
    337-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Dolphin.pdf
    338-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Gorillas.pdf
    339-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Killer Whale.pdf
    34-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 2.mp4
    340-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Shell Game.pdf
    341-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Coyote.pdf
    342-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Goose.pdf
    343-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Intelligence.pdf
    344-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Mandarin Duck.pdf
    345-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Anaphora.pdf
    346-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Headings and Subheadings.pdf
    347-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Reading Between the Lines.pdf
    348-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Figure of Speech-Irony.pdf
    349-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Figure of Speech-Pun.pdf
    35-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 3.mp4
    350-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 7 Figure of Speech-Rhyme.pdf
    351-演示文稿-Book 1-Unit 8 Educational Problems.pdf
    352-学习手册-Book 1-Unit 8 Educational Problems.pdf
    353-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 Enhancement.pdf
    354-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 The Wealth of Nations.pdf
    355-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 U.C.L.A..pdf
    356-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.pdf
    357-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 SAT.pdf
    358-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 Cause-and-effect Analysis.pdf
    359-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 Skimming and Scanning.pdf
    36-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 4.mp4
    360-教学课件-Book 1-Unit 8 Figure of Speech-Metaphor.pdf
    361-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 1 Ways of Learning.pdf
    362-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 1 Ways of Learning.pdf
    363-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 1 Enhancement.pdf
    364-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 2 Values.pdf
    365-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 2 Values.pdf
    366-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 2 Enhancement.pdf
    367-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 3 The Generation Gap.pdf
    368-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 3 The Generation Gap.pdf
    369-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 3 Enhancement.pdf
    37-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 5.mp4
    370-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 4 The Virtual World.pdf
    371-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 4 The Virtual World.pdf
    372-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 4 Enhancement.pdf
    373-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles.pdf
    374-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles.pdf
    375-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 5 Enhancement.pdf
    376-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky.pdf
    377-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 6 Women, Half the Sky.pdf
    378-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 6 Enhancement.pdf
    379-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 7 Learning about English.pdf
    38-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 6.mp4
    380-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 7 Learning About English.pdf
    381-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 7 Enhancement.pdf
    382-演示文稿-Book 2-Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment.pdf
    383-学习手册-Book 2-Unit 8 Protecting Our Environment.pdf
    384-教学课件-Book 2-Unit 8 Enhancement.pdf
    385-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live.pdf
    386-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live.pdf
    387-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 1 Enhancement.pdf
    388-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 2 Civil Rights Heroes.pdf
    389-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 2 Civil Rights Heroes.pdf
    39-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 7.mp4
    390-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 2 Enhancement.pdf
    391-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 2 Abraham Lincoln.pdf
    392-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 2 Martin Luther King.pdf
    393-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 2 The Emancipation Proclamation.pdf
    394-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 2 The Civil Rights Movement.pdf
    395-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 3 Security.pdf
    396-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 3 Security.pdf
    397-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 3 Enhancement.pdf
    398-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity.pdf
    399-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 4 Imagination and Creativity.pdf
    4-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 2-2.mp4
    40-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 8.mp4
    400-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 4 Enhancement.pdf
    401-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 5 Giving Thanks.pdf
    402-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 5 Giving Thanks.pdf
    403-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 5 Enhancement.pdf
    404-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 6 The Human Touch.pdf
    405-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 6 The Human Touch.pdf
    406-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 6 Enhancement.pdf
    407-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 7 Making a Living.pdf
    408-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 7 Making a Living.pdf
    409-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 7 Enhancement.pdf
    41-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 9.mp4
    410-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 7 Basic Qualities of A Good Salesman.pdf
    411-教学课件-Book 3- Unit 7 Asterisks.pdf
    412-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 7 Characteristics of Journalistic Writing.pdf
    413-演示文稿-Book 3-Unit 8 Cloning.pdf
    414-学习手册-Book 3-Unit 8 Cloning.pdf
    415-教学课件-Book 3-Unit 8 Enhancement.pdf
    416-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of Nature.pdf
    417-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 1 Fighting with the Forces of Nature.pdf
    418-教学课件-Book 4-Unit 1 Enhancement.pdf
    419-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 2 Smart Cars.pdf
    42-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 10.mp4
    420-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 2 Smart Cars.pdf
    421-教学课件-Book 4-Unit 2 Enhancement.pdf
    422-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 3 Job Interview.pdf
    423-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 3 Job Interview.pdf
    424-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 4 In Search of Davos Man.pdf
    425-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 4 Globalization.pdf
    426-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 5 Never Judge by Appearances.pdf
    427-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 5 Never Judge by Appearances.pdf
    428-教学课件-Book 4-Unit 5 Enhancement.pdf
    429-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 6 The Pace of Life.pdf
    43-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 11.mp4
    430-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 6 The Pace of Life.pdf
    431-教学课件-Book 4-Unit 6 Enhancement.pdf
    432-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 7 The 9 11 Terrorist Attacks.pdf
    433-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 7 The 911 Terrorist Attacks.pdf
    434-教学课件-Book 4-Unit 7 Enhancement.pdf
    435-演示文稿-Book 4-Unit 8 Go travelling.pdf
    436-学习手册-Book 4-Unit 8 Go Traveling.pdf
    437-教学课件-Book 4-Unit 8 Enhancement.pdf
    44-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 12.mp4
    45-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 13.mp4
    46-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 14.mp4
    47-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 15.mp4
    48-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 16.mp4
    49-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 17.mp4
    5-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 3-1.mp4
    50-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 18.mp4
    51-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 19.mp4
    52-教学录像-English Public Speaking-Pronunciation 20.mp4
    53-教学案例-Case Study-1.mp4
    54-教学案例-Case Study-2.mp4
    55-教学案例-Case Study-3.mp4
    56-教学案例-Case Study-4.mp4
    57-教学案例-Case Study-6.mp4
    58-教学案例-Case Study-5.mp4
    59-教学案例-Case Study-8.mp4
    6-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United Kingdom Chapter 3-2.mp4
    60-教学案例-Case Study-7.mp4
    61-教学录像-English Debating-Lecture 1.mp4
    62-教学录像-English Debating-Lecture 2.mp4
    63-教学录像-English Debating-Lecture 3.mp4
    64-教学录像-English Debating-Lecture 4.mp4
    65-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 1.mp4
    66-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 2.mp4
    67-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 3.mp4
    68-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 4.mp4
    69-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 5.mp4
    7-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter-1-1.mp4
    70-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 6.mp4
    71-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 7.mp4
    72-教学案例-English Debating-Case Study 8.mp4
    73-学生作品-English Debating-Students' Competition Show.mp4
    74-教学录像-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Chapter One-1.mp4
    75-教学录像-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Chapter One-2.mp4
    76-教学录像-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Chapter Two-1.mp4
    77-教学录像-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Chapter Two-2.mp4
    78-教学案例-Drama Show -- Rehearsal of My Fair Lady.mp4
    79-教学案例-Drama Show -- Rehearsal of Oliver Twist.mp4
    8-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter 1-2.mp4
    80-媒体素材-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance.mp4
    81-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Evening of Shakespeare -- Hamlet.mp4
    82-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Evening of Shakespeare --The Twelfth Night.mp4
    83-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Evening of Shakespeare -- Romeo and Juliet.mp4
    84-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Evening of Shakespeare -- A Midsummer Night's Dream.mp4
    85-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Dating with Hollywood --My Fair Lady.mp4
    86-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Dating with Hollywood --Oliver Twist.mp4
    87-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Dating with Hollywood -- Freaky Friday.mp4
    88-学生作品-Drama Show Entitled The Dating with Hollywood -- The Sound of Music.mp4
    89-教学录像-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 1-1.mp4
    9-教学录像-A General Introduction of UK and US-The United States Chapter-2-1.mp4
    90-教学录像-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 1-2.mp4
    91-教学录像-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 2-1.mp4
    92-教学录像-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 2-2.mp4
    93-媒体素材-Akeelah and the Bee-Quotation.mp4
    94-媒体素材-Akeelah and the Bee.mp4
    95-媒体素材-Akeelah and the Bee-End Part.mp4
    96-媒体素材-Arrival of A Train.mp4
    97-媒体素材-Akeelah and the Bee-Training Akeelah.mp4
    98-媒体素材-Forrest Gump-Clip 1.mp4
    99-媒体素材-Forrest Gump-Clip 2.mp4
    438-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 1 Additional Exercises.pdf
    439-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 2 Additional Exercises.pdf
    440-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 3 Additional Exercises.pdf
    441-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 4 Additional Exercises.pdf
    442-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 5 Additional Exercises.pdf
    443-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 6 Additional Exercises.pdf
    444-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 7 Additional Exercises.pdf
    445-习题作业-Book 1-Unit 8 Additional Exercises.pdf
    446-习题作业-Book 2-Unit 1 Additional Exercises.pdf
    447-习题作业-Book 2-Unit 2 Additional Exercises.pdf
    448-习题作业-Book 2-Unit 3 Additional Exercises.pdf
    449-习题作业-Book 2-Unit 4 Additional Exercises.pdf
    450-习题作业-Book 2-Unit 5 Additional Exercises.pdf
    451-习题作业-Book 2-Unit 6 Additional Exercises.pdf
    452-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 1 Additional Exercises.pdf
    453-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 2 Additional Exercises.pdf
    454-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 3 Additional Exercises.pdf
    455-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 4 Additonal Exercises.pdf
    456-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 5 Additional Exercises.pdf
    457-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 6 Additional Exercises.pdf
    458-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 7 Additional Exercises.pdf
    459-习题作业-Book 3-Unit 8 Additional Exercises.pdf
    460-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 1 Additional Exercises.pdf
    461-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 2 Additional Exercises.pdf
    462-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 3 Additional Exercises.pdf
    463-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 4 Additional Exercises.pdf
    464-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 5 Exercises.pdf
    465-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 6 Additional Exercises.pdf
    466-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 7 Additional Exercises.pdf
    467-习题作业-Book 4-Unit 8 Additional Exercises.pdf
    468-习题作业-A General Introduction of UK and US-Additional Exercises.pdf
    469-习题作业-Lecture 1-Additional Exercises.pdf
    470-习题作业-Lecture 2-Additional Exercises.pdf
    471-习题作业-Lecture 3-Additional Exercises.pdf
    472-习题作业-Lecture 4-Additional Exercises.pdf
    473-习题作业-English Debating-Additional Exercises.pdf
    474-习题作业-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Charpter One Additional Exercises.pdf
    475-习题作业-British and American Drama Appreciation and Performance Charpter Two Additional Exercises.pdf
    476-习题作业-Appreciating English Movies-Lecture 1-Exercise.pdf
    477-习题作业-Appreciating English Movies-lecture 2-Excercise.pdf
