- 第四届微分方程数值分析国际研讨会视频教程 John Butcher 18讲 新西兰奥克兰大学 (专用试看下载)
- 第四届微分方程数值分析国际研讨会视频教程 John Butcher 18讲 新西兰奥克兰大学 (本站高速下载) 提取密码:3bgn
- 第四届微分方程数值分析国际研讨会视频教程 John Butcher 18讲 新西兰奥克兰大学 (会员资源下载)
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第10讲 A family of two-derivative Lobatto-Runge-Kutta collocation methods .mp4第11讲 A special type of two-step Runge-Kutta method for first and second order ODEs.mp4
第12讲 A compact multisplitting scheme for nonlinear delay convection-reaction-diffusion equations.mp4
第13讲 Weak Galerkin finite element method for a 4-th order parabolic equation.mp4
第14讲 On energy-preserving formula for Hamiltonian wave equations.mp4
第15讲 A fourth order approximation of fractional derivatives with its applications .mp4
第16讲 Three methods and three conjectures in numerical computations for Hamilton systems.mp4
第17讲 Implicit methods for stochastic differential equations.mp4
第18讲 Inverse scattering problems the effect of boundary impedance.mp4
第1讲 开幕式.mp4
第2讲 Accurate structure-preserving Runge-Kutta and general linear methods.mp4
第3讲 On the importance (and perils) of being skew-symmetric.mp4
第4讲 Geometric integration and monte Carlo sampling.mp4
第5讲 On Noethers conservation laws and their preservation in numerical method.mp4
第6讲 Splitting methods for solving highly oscillatory PDEs via semidiscretizations.mp4
第7讲 On the ZCZ method for Maxwells equations.mp4
第8讲 Convergence Analysis of Formal Vector Fields of Runge-Kutta Methods.mp4
第9讲 A modied version of explicit Runge-Kutta methods for preserving multiple first integrals.mp4