





2011年复旦大学凝聚态物理暑期学校——高温超导电性视频教程 汪自强 21讲 美国波士顿学院



    第10讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十).mp4
    第11讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十一).mp4
    第12讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十二).mp4
    第13讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十三).mp4
    第14讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十四).mp4
    第15讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十五).mp4
    第16讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十六).mp4
    第17讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十七).mp4
    第18讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十八).mp4
    第19讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(十九).mp4
    第1讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(一).mp4
    第20讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(二十).mp4
    第21讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(二十一).mp4
    第2讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(二).mp4
    第3讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(三).mp4
    第4讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(四).mp4
    第5讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(五).mp4
    第6讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(六).mp4
    第7讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(七).mp4
    第8讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(八).mp4
    第9讲 Theory of electronic correlation in high temperature cuprate super conducors(九).mp4
