International Conference on Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications视频教程 Aderemi O.Kuku 32讲 美国格兰布林州立大
- 更新时间:2007-09-25
- TAG:algebraic k-theory and on conference its applications international
- 编号:617602
- 格式:MP4
- 热度: ℃
- 25学习币 联系客服 收藏课程 下载报错
- International Conference on Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications视频教程 Aderemi O.Kuku 32讲 美国格兰布林州立大 (专用试看下载)
- International Conference on Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications视频教程 Aderemi O.Kuku 32讲 美国格兰布林州立大 (本站高速下载) 提取密码:abcd
- International Conference on Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications视频教程 Aderemi O.Kuku 32讲 美国格兰布林州立大 (会员资源下载) 25 提取密码:kyv4
第10讲 On Gauss sums and K-groups of rings of integers(II).mp4第11讲 Routes to Matsumotos Theorem(I).mp4
第12讲 Routes to Matsumotos Theorem(II).mp4
第13讲 Tate Kernels and Applications(I).mp4
第14讲 Tate Kernels and Applications(II).mp4
第15讲 On the Bloch group and CR geometry.mp4
第16讲 The Geometry of Groups(I).mp4
第17讲 The Geometry of Groups(Ⅱ).mp4
第18讲 A refined Bloch group and H3 of SL2(I).mp4
第19讲 A refined Bloch group and H3 of SL2(Ⅱ).mp4
第1讲 Farrell-Jones Conjecture and K-Theory of tuisted Laurent Series Rings(Ⅰ).mp4
第20讲 Rational K–theories and Differential Graded Algebras.mp4
第21讲 On image of syntomic regulator on K1(Ⅰ).mp4
第22讲 On image of syntomic regulator on K1(Ⅱ).mp4
第23讲 Governing fields of the K2OQ√dp(2)as p varies.mp4
第24讲 Zeta functions and orders of K-group(Ⅰ).mp4
第25讲 Zeta functions and orders of K-group(Ⅱ).mp4
第26讲 On arithmetic in Mordell-Weil groups and K0 of curves(Ⅰ).mp4
第27讲 On arithmetic in Mordell-Weil groups and K0 of curves(Ⅱ).mp4
第28讲 Beyond Ellipticity(Ⅰ).mp4
第29讲 Beyond Ellipticity(Ⅱ).mp4
第2讲 Farrell-Jones Conjecture and K-Theory of tuisted Laurent Series Rings(Ⅱ).mp4
第30讲 Some review of Professor Kuku’s work.mp4
第31讲 On the explicit structure of K2(FpG)for G finite abelian p-groups(Ⅰ).mp4
第32讲 On the explicit structure of K2(FpG)for G finite abelian p-groups(Ⅱ).mp4
第3讲 Twisted bundles and twisted K-theory(Ⅰ).mp4
第4讲 Twisted bundles and twisted K-theory(Ⅱ).mp4
第5讲 Slices of hermitian K-theory and Milnor’s conjecture on quadratic forms(Ⅰ).mp4
第6讲 Slices of hermitian K-theory and Milnor’s conjecture on quadratic forms(Ⅱ).mp4
第7讲 Higher Class Groups of Orders(I).mp4
第8讲 Higher Class Groups of Orders(II).mp4
第9讲 On Gauss sums and K-groups of rings of integers(I).mp4