- 密度矩阵重整化群及数值重整化群方法前沿问题国际研讨会视频教程 N. Schuch 66讲 美国加州理工学院 (专用试看下载)
- 密度矩阵重整化群及数值重整化群方法前沿问题国际研讨会视频教程 N. Schuch 66讲 美国加州理工学院 (本站高速下载) 提取密码:dgxb
- 密度矩阵重整化群及数值重整化群方法前沿问题国际研讨会视频教程 N. Schuch 66讲 美国加州理工学院 (会员资源下载) 23 提取密码:ursp
第10讲 Tensor network states in one and two dimensions:introduction and applications(二).mp4第11讲 Matrix produce states and projected entangled pair states for fermionnic systems and quantum field theories(一).mp4
第12讲 Matrix produce states and projected entangled pair states for fermionnic systems and quantum field theories(二).mp4
第13讲 Entanglement spectrum and “topological phases”in one dimensional systems.mp4
第14讲 Non-equilibrium dynamics of interacting fermions after the release from a confining potential.mp4
第15讲 Investigation of spectral properties with the dynamical DMRG method.mp4
第16讲 Quantum quenches and the features of excited states:examples from bosonic models.mp4
第17讲 Infinite Matrix Product Ststes and conformal Field Theory .mp4
第18讲 Renormalization group methods and tensor networks in quantum chemistry:overview and recent progress.mp4
第19讲 Quantum chemistry for non-chemists(一).mp4
第1讲 Enhancing tensor network simulations using Monte Carlo sampling.mp4
第20讲 Quantum chemistry for non-chemists(二).mp4
第21讲 Recent progress on entanglement renormalization and the MERA.mp4
第22讲 Entanglement renormalization and the MERA(一).mp4
第23讲 Entanglement renormalization and the MERA(二).mp4
第24讲 Translion invaitant matix tenser product states in a finite latter system.mp4
第25讲 Quantized squeezing and even-odd asymmetry of trapped bosons.mp4
第26讲 Field-induced spin supersolidity in frustrated S = 12spin-dimer models.mp4
第27讲 Effective models with contractor-renormalization technique.mp4
第28讲 Tensor renormalization Group-Beyond The Ising Model.mp4
第29讲 Fractional quantum Hall states of graphene and its bilayer.mp4
第2讲 Spectral properties of spin-incoherent Luttinger liquids.mp4
第30讲 DMRG Simulations of 3-Body Physics and Many-Body Interactions in Ion-Traps.mp4
第31讲 Wigner crystallization of triplon bound states in a Shastry-Sutherland spin tude.mp4
第32讲 A Challenge of DMRG toward More Than 10-leg Ladder Models:Multi-site Clustering and Parallelization.mp4
第33讲 Application of the DMRG method to study electron states in conjugated molecules and polymers.mp4
第34讲 Finite temperature transfer-matrix DMRG:Dynamical correlation functions and fidelity.mp4
第35讲 Numberical study of a dispersive magnetic impurity in a one-dimensional Fermi gas.mp4
第36讲 The Development of The Density Matrix Renormallization Group:A Brief History(一).mp4
第37讲 The Development of The Density Matrix Renormallization Group:A Brief History(二).mp4
第38讲 Calculating the dynamical density of states using DMRG Break.mp4
第39讲 Matrix product states in the Thermodynamic Limit.mp4
第3讲 Symmetry breaking and orticality in tenser-product states.mp4
第40讲 Investigating static properties of strongly correlated systems via the DMRG algorithm.mp4
第41讲 Dynamic simulations of infinite quantum-many body systems with Matrix Priduct States.mp4
第42讲 t-DMRG and Heisenberg pictrue DMRG approaches to relaxation dynamics and steady states of disspative systems.mp4
第43讲 Quasi-one-dimensional quantum helimagnets:The fate of multipolar phases.mp4
第44讲 Concluding Remark.mp4
第45讲 DMRG-An Introduction and Overview(一).mp4
第46讲 DMRG-An Introduction and Overview(二).mp4
第47讲 Traditional DMRG for two dimensional systems(一).mp4
第48讲 Traditional DMRG for two dimensional systems(二).mp4
第49讲 Entanglement properties of condesed matter and tensor network states.mp4
第4讲 Variational quantum Monte Carlo with tensor-network states(一).mp4
第50讲 An Origin of Matrix Product State in Statistical Mechanics(一).mp4
第51讲 An Origin of Matrix Product State in Statistical Mechanics(二).mp4
第52讲 Phase Transitions under Hyperbolic Geometry.mp4
第53讲 Time-dependent methods in DMRG:An Overview(一).mp4
第54讲 Time-dependent methods in DMRG:An Overview(二).mp4
第55讲 Time-dependent methods in DMRG:An Overview(三).mp4
第56讲 Time-dependent methods in DMRG:An Overview(四).mp4
第57讲 Tensor-network renormalization approach to strongly correlated systems.mp4
第58讲 Long range quantum entanglements and topological order(一).mp4
第59讲 Long range quantum entanglements and topological order(二).mp4
第5讲 Variational quantum Monte Carlo with tensor-network states(二).mp4
第60讲 Plaquette Renormalized Tensor Network States:Application to Frustrated Systems.mp4
第61讲 Optimizing Hartree-Fock Orbitals by the DMRG.mp4
第62讲 Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group and Its Applications(一).mp4
第63讲 Transfer Matrix Renormalization Group and Its Applications(二).mp4
第64讲 Renormalization of Tensor-Network states(一).mp4
第65讲 Renormalization of Tensor-Network states(二).mp4
第66讲 Graded Projected Entangled-Pair State Representations and An Algorithm for Translationally Invariant Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems on Infinite-Size Lattices in Two Spati.mp4
第6讲 Quantum magnetism in the mineral azuritefrom first-principles computations to experimental data.mp4
第7讲 DMRG Study of Anisotropic Triangular Heisenberg Lattice.mp4
第8讲 The Kondo Problem:A DMRG perspective.mp4
第9讲 Tensor network states in one and two dimensions:introduction and applications(一).mp4